
Travelogues and Traveling Artists in Armenia from the Early Modern Period to 1918

Josef Strzygowski and his magnum opus “Die Baukunst der Armenier und Europa“ (1918)



The “Discovery” of Armenian Art History as reflected in the Accounts of Western European Travelers. Berlin 2013 (Grazer Edition. 14) - in German

Evidence of Armenian Art in Crimea, Galicia and Podolia. An Analysis of selected Primary Sources from Modern Times up to 1850. In: Die Kunst der Armenier im östlichen Europa. Marina Dmitrieva, Bálint Kovács und Stefan Troebst (ed.). Wien-Köln-Weimar 2013 (Armenier im östlichen Europa. Armenians in Eastern Europe. 2), 68-88 - in German

Armenia and Europe. In Search of Art Historical Traces. In: Erstausgabe. Ver­öffentlichungen junger WissenschafterInnen der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, Vol. 1, Graz 2008, 97-107 - in German


Qualifications, responsibilities, titles

Participation at the Transferable Skills Program for Selected PhD-Students, University of New York at Buffalo, USA (2012)


Workplaces, positions

2023- Institute of History, Department of Armenian Studies, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Budapest


Membership in Academic Organisations

Association Internationale des Études Arméniennes (AIEA)


Awards, honors

Award of the Dr. Maria Schaumayer Foundation for the Promotion of Women in Science (2012)

Research Award of the University of Graz for Early Career Scientists (2007)


Contact information